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Mast MLM.
MLM Software stands for Multi-level-marketing Software.This software is basically designed for the network marketing and selling of products or goods through various distributors. In other words MLM is an alternate channel to manufacture products to market. It is stepwise marketing system in which the goal of salesperson is not only to buy and sell the product but also recruit others to buy and sell the product.

e-Biz Solutions strength lies on our conviction to deliver superior website design & development, through a deep understanding of your business' requirements.e-Biz provides web portal with general industry details, mailing facility, searching, blog also.

E-society can handle all transactions such as Loan,Deposit and it provide funcationlality like daily, monthly, annully report genraction . E-soceity provide services as per NABARD rule.

Dreams Inventory.
DreamsInvertory 2.0 is most powerfull product usefull in every business which properly mentains all the inventory details.
Minimum stock alert, Purcahase order generation, Dailly, Monthly, Annually report generation functionality is also available is DreamsInventory 2.0.

Patsanstha Pro.
Patsanstha pro provide Pigmy transactions in this daily collection is done. Patsanstha Pro product provide report functionality. In report it gives daily,monthly,annully report generations.

School management system.
School Management System is a large database system which can be used for managing your school's day to day business.To giving right of education to everyone - Education is most important part of human being, but lots of student cannot complete their education due to economical problems.

E-Panchayat is a software product conceptualized, designed and developed by Dreams Ultimate Soluction, as a part of its E-governance initiatives. E-Panchayat has been designed taking into consideration all the information and knowledge management requirements in a Gram Panchayat

Mast MLM

Mast MLM-III is advanced version of Multi-Level Marketing application. It is web based application maintain all records in MLM.
It deals with online registration, E-pins, Messaging, Tree Generation and Various Report Genearation.

This system will become binary chain of the buyers and distributors, each distributor will get a portion of the fee paid by his/her recruited member. Sales you create directly or indirectly will get you profit, you will get bonus on sales made by the people you enrolled in the company. This chain of profit and commission will go on an on.
Our MLM professional dedicated to your business needs and complete your project.

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